Allegra Bernacchioni


Set designer

Master degree in scenic design – specialized in painting and set design.

In 2007 she won a scholarship for a training course in set design and costumes making announced by the Teatro alla Scala Academy and she worked for two years in Milan with the most famous scenic designers at the Ansaldo laboratories of the same theatre. Scenic designer, painter, decorator and propman, in 2010 she met Carlo Centolavigna, a famous Italian scenic designer, who entrusted her with the management of a five-year Don Juan travelling show autographed by Giancarlo Del Monaco. After working in the most important Spanish cities she met and collaborated with Franco Zeffirelli, great director and master of Italian opera performances; she collaborated with Cristian Taraborrelli in opera and prose shows, restorations and events. She worked more and more steadily for Balich wws events organization and Ampere (South Africa).

She was a set designer assistant and set equipment assistant for the Arena di Verona Foundation. She has begun a personal career in the prose performances of the Florentine thetres with the directors Andrea Bruno Savelli and Edoardo Zucchetti. She has worked since 2014 for the Dante Carlo Monni theatre as a permanent set designer and with Andrea Bruno Savelli she realised «Attaccante Nato» (the life of Stefano Borgonovo), «Favole al Telefono» with the orchestra pf the music school of Fiesole, based on Gianni Rodari’s book of the same name, «Eddy il musical» (loosely based on Edward scissorhands) and Io ci sono (the story and tragedy of Lucia Annibali); she worked also on Angelo Savelli’s «La Bastarda di Istanbul», «Utopia» e «L’ultimo Harem».

She got to work at the Teatro di Rifredi theatre with Edoardo Zucchetti and his performance Presunzione, Due cuori ed una tenda canadese.